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Brecon Road
Westbury on Trym

Tel: 0117 962 2616

Home Page

Welcome to the vibrant, caring, learning community of St. Ursula’s E-ACT Academy.

The Academy was opened in September 2011 and is set in nine acres of land.

We cater for pupils of all abilities, all faiths and none. Pupils are taught in a stimulating learning environment and use state of the art information and communication technology to get the most from their learning.

Our curriculum, pastoral care, teaching and learning and community approach are designed to develop self disciplined, self confident, adaptable, skilled learners ready to take on the challenges of secondary education at the age of eleven.

At our academy there’s a strong focus on traditional values, manners and good behaviour. We see diversity as a cause for celebration and enrichment. We have high expectations for every pupil at the academy.

Open Days:

Open Events for 2013
For the 2013/14 reception intake there will be an opportunity for parents to visit and look around the school before deciding on schools on the following dates.

 September 20th
 18:00 - 20:00
 September 25th
 10:00 - 12:00
 October 2nd
 10:00 - 12:00
 October 9th
 10:00 - 12:00
 October 16th
 10:00 - 12:00

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